A modern masterpiece that combines the best of the legendary Kaluga breed with complimentary strains to create an unparalleled caviar product to be savoured by all. Beautifully presented, our EMERALD Selection has conquered the minds and hearts of black caviar connoisseurs all over the world. By combining the very best of the east and west, we have been able to produce a sensational product that exceeds all expectations. Our pearl has an excellent taste, a brilliant colour, and a large grain size – qualities difficult to find even on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
Species of sturgeon: Hybrid sturgeon caviar (Acipenser schrenckii x Huso dauricus) Appearance: Caviar packed from a single fish, not mixed. Eggs are unbroken and of the same color Texture: Eggs are tender with an adequate amount of fluid and separable Color: Shades of jade green Size: Average size is 3.3 mm with a variance from 3.1 to 3.4 mm depending on the method of measurement Quality: High to premium Taste: Pleasant, in the best traditional manner Harvesting: Traditional, by killing the fish Salt content: 3.2% Preservative: Yes Shelf life: Up to 8 months Available packaging: Metal tins